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William Arthur George Derrick
Boatman William Arthur George Derrick (sitting, facing camera) with his eldest daughter Ivy. The photo was taken at Ballintoy Coastguard Station in the year 1905.

Date: 18/06/2007
Added by: Tony
Dimensions: 800 x 564 pixels
Filesize: 92.68kB
Comments: 3
Number of views: 6180


#1 | Tony on 18/06/2007 13:32:05
Kindly sent in by Graham Bosisto;

"Boatman Derrick was my grandfather and Ivy was my mother."
#2 | Tony on 26/06/2007 12:17:45
William Arthur George Derrick. Coastguard Boatman..
Boatman Derrick served at Ballintoy, his first station in Ireland, from the 5th March 1904 until
the 1st February 1909 when he was drafted to Cleggan, County Galway, followed by Keem, County
Mayo and finally Whitehead, near Belfast which he left on the 31st December 1918 having been
drafted to The Mumbles, South Wales.
Submitted by Graham Bosisto
#3 | kilmeny on 10/04/2009 15:09:04
What a lovely human photo! So many of the pictures of these naval men and their wives or families look serious and non too happy. It makes me wonder what emotions are hidden under the surface of the formal photo.
Coastguards , in very rural locations must have had to spend time whiling away the hours , on it's nice to see that they did a spot of gardening and childminding at the same time !!....KIlmeny

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