Records Database

Record Database Stats
Records CategoriesRecords per category
Census 19011297
Census 1911796
ADM Records383
Revenue Fleet71
Navy Lists264
UK Census397
Total Records in Database:3348
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Latest RecordJocelyn Crichton
Top 5 Most Viewed Records
Thomas Clark 449212
William McNamara 151226
Walter Squance 106375
John Buick 58231
Josiah Browning 48564

Random record submitted by member
Record ID 3137 JOHN NICHOLLS submitted by Margaret Lyon

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How to use database

To find entries, the data can be sorted using the "Sort By" dropdown menu at the top.
The records can by sorted by Record ID, Category, Surname, First Name, Station, Born & Died. After making your selection, the records will reorganise themselves. Eg; if Surname is selected the records will be sorted alphabetically by surname. You can then move through the pages using the page number links at the bottom to reach the surname you're looking for.
At the moment, the site Search page does not trawl this database.
We hope to improve the "Searchability" of the database in the future as the number of records increase.
If you wish to submit a record, please use the link in the navbar on the left. [Members Only]. This is only suitable for single entries. If you have multiple records in a database of your own and you'd like to send it in, please attach it to an email to either myself or Tony. [Email addresses in profiles]
Site Admin

N.B. The record total may differ slightly from the total number of displayed records as some records may be "stored" pending clarification or awaiting review prior to release.