John Mullins

Views: 3538
Records List
CategorySurnameChristian name
Census 1901MullinsJohn

RankStation/CruizerDate of SeniorityBornDied
Stat.Of.PenNon Stat.Co.Cork

Detail:Ref: 309/11

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Record ID1438 posted by Tony
Date of posting: 13/04/2009



#1 | oreganic on 08/04/2022 20:53:31
John was my great grandfather.
He married Margaret Darragh, in November 1853. She was a daughter of Patrick Darragh also a Coastguard at the time stationed at Old Court outside Skibbereen on the Ilen River where there were large warehouses.
John and Margaret had children at various locations indicating his postings over his career. These were Crookhaven, Bere Island, Knightstown Valencia Island, Cromaun, (now a restaurant) Tuosist and finally Castletownshend where he retired as Station Officer. He died in March 1905 in Upper Bridge Street, Skibbereen at the age of 86.

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