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Coastguard Marriage Records
Groom Occupation To Bride Brides Father County Date Attridge, Henry Coastguard " Elizabeth Morris C.G.s Dau. Galway 31/8/1847 Barrow, Arthur Carpenter " Mary Jane Jeffrey C.G.Officers Dau Donegal 01/7/1909 Barrow, James Coastguard " Susan Eliza Dunnis Chief Boatmans Dau. Donegal 5/9/1870 Benstead,Richard William Coastguard " Jane Wedger C.Gs. Dau. Waterford 10/3/1829 Brockman, Edwin Coastguard " Frances Elwood C.G. Pensioners Dau. Wicklow 19/11/1849 Caley, John Coastguard " Mary Anne Penman Chief Officers Dau. Mayo 13/9/1870 Dimick, Simon Coastguard " Harriett Morris C/Gs. Dau. Galway 21/7/1849 Neal, William Revenue Cruiser " Margaret Hamilton n/a Donegal 17/4/1821 Ware, Thomas Waterguard " Alice Hays n/a Clare 10/1/1836
70760 Reads ·
Posted by Tony
on May 06 2007
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