Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.16

-> Tony on September 05 2016
G 24. Wreck of a Spanish ship at Ballycotton Island.
We regret to announce the loss of another vessel in the gale of Sat. The details will be found in the following letter. The humane conduct of Lt. Lloyd in saving so many from destruction and his honourable reception of them deserves every encomium we could offer- Cork Paper

Ballycotton. January26th.1829

I hasten to acquaint you that at one p.m. yesterday, then blowing quite a gale with tremendous sea, a vessel was discovered from here, bearing south about 1 league, apparently in distress- and at about 2 o’clock she struck on Ballycotton Island from whence I had the satisfaction of seeing Lt. Lloyd RN, Officer commanding the Water Guard here, bring off the crew consisting of the Captain and 8 men, all Spaniards, the crew originally consisting of 10 men, one of whom perished in his attempt to save himself. The brig immediately went to pieces. She proved to be the brig ‘Capucho’ of Bilboa, 17 days from thence, bound to Bristol, with a cargo of wheat, consigned to Messrs Powel & Co., of Bristol. The crew are at the house of Lt. Lloyd, where they are treated with kindness and every attention- they are destitute of clothing, only a few articles on them – but they have been provided by their host with a change, and other necessary nourishment. It is impossible for them to proceed for a day or two to the Consul, as some of the poor fellows are much exhausted.

Reference; Dublin Evening Post 5th.February 1829.

52E. Revenue Officers forcibly carried off to America.

On Thursday last, Mr. Tudor, Police Magistrate accompanied by Mr. Farrell, Chief Peace Officer proceeded to Dunleary,(Co.Dublin) in persuance of an order from Mr. Gregory, Under Sec. Of State to take means for preventing a vessel called the 'William of Dublin' from setting out to sea, in consequence of the want of necessary accommodation for the passengers on board during their voyage to Quebec. Mr. Tudor and Mr. Farrell found the vessel riding at anchor in Kingstown Bay, ready to put to sea; her burden was but ninety three tons and she had on board 156 passengers, being the number of 109 persons more than the allowance per ton, is very properly and humanely, directed by the Act of Parliament. Such vessels should have a surgeon on board, and water in the proportion of 1 gallon per diem for every passenger for a voyage of 12 weeks.

On the Magistrate going aboard he found he found that the Captain was ashore, and the passengers even then complaining of the want of room and accommodation. The passengers were all labourers of the lowest description, and the want of ventilation, the crowded state of the hold, the absence of all arrangements for comfort, cleanliness, decency, or convenience occasioned a horrible stench, several were totally unprovided with a place to lay themselves dowan, and the whole presented a scene not very unlike the shocking tles related of slave ships.

The Magistrate and Mr. Farrell waited on board all day for the Captain, and as he did not appear at night left 2 Revenue Officers on board in charge of the vessel and returned to Dublin. During the night the Captain came on board, and knowing his case to be desperate, he determined on a desperate remedy, and actually put to sea with the Officers on board. As soon as the circumstance was discovered two Revenue Cruisers were dispatched after her but as yet no account has been received of her.

Reference; Dublin Evening Mail, 21st.of May 1823.

G77. Melancholy Shipwreck.

On Thursday night last, during a heavy gale from the N.E. accompanied with a heavy storm of sleet, a vessel belonging to Mr.Rickard, of Howth, unfortunately struck on part of the iron bound shore of Lambay, and we regret to add, that she soon went to pieces, and her entire crew namely, two Rogans, father and son, Murphy, Larkin, and Cashel, in all five persons, unfortunately perished, ere any assistance could be rendered, or, before the people on shore were aware of their dismal situation. There has been only one of the bodies recovered – one of the Rogans. When it was discovered, on Friday morning, it was found that the poor sufferer had reached a buoy, to the iron ring of which he had looped his arm with a piece of rope, but from the length of time he had to remain more than half immersed in the sea, life had entirely forsaken him before the party of the Water Guards, by whom he was found, reached where he lay.

Reference: Morning Register Tuesday April 1st.1828.

G88. Ship News. Wreck at sea.
Part of the wreck of a vessel apparently from 300 to 350 tons burden, was passed by Lt. Woods RN Commander of HM Revenue Cruiser ‘Hornet’, about ten miles East of Blackwater on the Wexford coast, on Saturday last, while on his way from Dublin to Cove. Lt.Woods sent a boat to the wreck but the crew could discover no clue to the name or destination of the vessel. She appeared to have been laden with cotton, about a dozen bales of which, marked “J.D.D 25” were floating around her.

Reference; Dublin Evening Mail 13th.June 1834 .

G119.Fatal affray at the wreck of the Europa.

On Monday the 14th.inst. a detatchment of the 29th.Regiment, under command of Lieut. Kennedy, was called out in aid of the civil powers in order to protect the property saved on the Red Strand. Plunder of the most savage sort required the greatest decision in the movements of the military, and no sooner had they received their orders than they drove the people back to the strand at the point of the bayonet. The mob now finding it impossible to plunder, from the strict guard that was kept, became most violent and assailed Lieut. Kennedy and his party with volleys of stones from the hills – however he behaved with the greatest coolness, though receiving a violent blow of a stone in the mouth, and many of the men struck, they did not retreat one step The stones still continuing serious, the magistrate gave the order to fire, and many unfortunate people fell, and others were borne away wounded. Requiring still the aid of the military , this party was kept out all night on the strand, without any shelter from the inclemency of the weather: four successive days and nights of severe duty followed and only a miserable tent to protect them from the heavy rain.

(Cork Constitution) Reference; Saturday 1st.February 1834

G136. Coast Guard Service
On Monday from the hour of 10 o’clock, and on Tuesday morning an Investigation was held at the Coast Guard station, Fair Hill, in consequence of a charge brought against Lieut. Lamb, Chief Officer of the Ardfry District, for some alleged impropriety in the discharge of his official duties. We would have laid a report of the whole before our readers, but that some objections were made to our taking notes of the evidence. The result we understand, is unfavourable to Mr.Lamb, who now intends to appeal to a higher court on several grounds. With this intention he withdrew from court, after entering two or three protests against the manner of proceeding etc.
Galway Patriot.

Reference: morning Register Tuesday 16th.February 1836.

E7 Early smuggling years in County Clare,
The Clare Journal of March 5, 1807 described a successful operation by the smugglers. "For several days past, detatchmrnts of the Longford Militia have been employed on Revenue Duty in different parts of this county under the direction of John Downes, Esq. Surveyor of Excise in consequence of a smuggling vessel having landed a cargo of tobacco and brandy in the West of the county a few days ago and which is instantly removed as soon as landed and generally carried off to the neighbouring counties by a set of people employed in that illicit trade

Notwithstanding the zeal of the Revenue Officer and the exertions of the Military, only one bale of tobacco was found although the smugglers were pursued to the verge of the county. If Cavalry had been stationed here which is allowed to be the best and cheapest quarters in Ireland, both for men and horses those smugglers would not have escaped with their booty, but the infantry were not able to pursue them, as these fellows are generally well mounted".

However, five months later, when the excise men had got the assistance of Cavalry, they were more successful, this was the story again from the Clare Journal. On Thursday last, some smuggled Brandy, part of a cargo lately landed in the West of Co.Clare was brought to Ennis and lodged in stores by John Downes and Alex King, surveyors of Excise.

In making the seizure, Mr.Downes was assisted by a detatchment of the 5th.Dragoons under the command of Lieut.Lane. The appearance of Cavalry at the time on the coast prevented another smuggler from landing her cargo, who stood off at sea, on finding the Revenue Officers and Military were on the alert.

Reference "Clare Journal" 1807

L47. Melancholy Loss of Life. 1835.

Tuesday evening about half past three o;clock a boat belonging to the Preventive Water Guard service, stationed at Rosslare Fort left our quay for its destination; the boat we understand, contained eleven persons, including children, whose names we forbear ,in this number, owing to the forlorn hope that the report we have received may be found to be incorrect. At a quarter to four o’clock, it came on to blow a perfect hurricane, and the boat upset, and it is with deep feelings of regret we have to announce that all on board perished. We have ascertained that the upset was first perceived by the pilots from the Fort, who immediately rowed off to the assistance of the unfortunate people, but without success. A boat from the yacht of G.G.G.Morgan Esq. also immediately put off to their assistance, but alas no trace of the unfortunate sufferers was to be seen. Two pigs which were being brought to the Fort in the ill-fated boat, were seen alive on the flats by the pilots.

We deeply mourn that since the above was written Mr.Morgans boat has arrived, bringing the melancholy intelligence that all on board perished; when the pilot gig arrived there was no sign of the boat or the men to be discovered. It is a matter of painful recollection that the men who came to an untimely end have all large and helpless families, unprotected and unprovided upon the world. We sincerely hope that some provision shall be made for them. (Wexford Freeman)

Reference; The Evening Freeman 19 March 1835.

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