FAQ: Submitting Files Questions

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) >Submitting Files Questions
How do I submit a Photo?How do I submit a Record?How do I submit an Article?
How do I submit a Photo?
If you want to send in an photograph that you think would suit, click the "Submit Photo" link on the left. [Only visible if you're logged in.]

Fill in the boxes, include as much detail about the photo as you can. Select which Album you think would be appropriate and click "Submit Photo".

If you're sending a photo to be included with an Article you've submitted, it doesn't matter which album you pick, but please include the following text;
"For inclusion with article called *******"
at the bottom of the description field.

The site will only accept the following image formats: GIF, JPEG(JPG) or PNG, (JPEG being the most prevalent).

It must be no larger than 1800 pixels by 1600 pixels and no heavier than 800Kb. These are the usual types of image files used on the internet. Files which are BMP or TIF and other proprietary formats are not suitable and are more for printing than publishing online.

Please make sure you're sending the actual photo file; eg yourimage.jpg and not a picture embedded in a word document or something similar.

Explanations about Warnings:

Your Photo could not be submitted: Image must be a GIF, JPEG or PNG file.
This one is explained above.

Your Photo could not be submitted: Invalid image filename.
This includes photos with spaces in the name, eg your image.jpg. Before resubmitting, rename the image to your-image.jpg or yourimage.jpg. It also includes files with characters in the name such as < > ", etc.

Your Photo could not be submitted: Image must be no bigger than 1800 pixels.
Photos larger than this won't fitt into a browser window. The optimum viewing size for photos is 800 wide.

Your Photo could not be submitted: Image must be less than 500 Kb.
This is a necessary precaution to save server space as well as visitors download time.

There are many websites that will resize or optimize your photos for free:


N.B. We cannot accept any responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of these sites.
How do I submit a Record?
If you want to send in a record for inclusion in the Records Database, click the "Submit Record" link on the left. [Only visible if you're logged in.]

Enter your information in the text boxes. [Christian and Surname fields are mandatory]. Enter as much detail as you can and an administrator will review and publish it to the Records Database as soon as possible.
How do I submit an Article?
If you want to send in an article that you think would suit, click the "Submit Article" link on the left. [Only visible if you're logged in.]

Fill in the boxes, the snippet box would ordinarily be a short introduction about the article or the first couple of lines from it.

To prevent formatting problems common with word documents, copy the text of your document and paste it into notepad [Start - All Programs - Accessories - Notepad]. This will remove all formatting and just leave bare text. This is ok as the site will automatically format colour, font, etc.

Select all [Ctrl+A] the text in the notepad, copy [Ctrl+C] and paste [Ctrl+V] it into the Article box in the form. Click "Preview Article" to view it or "Submit Article" to send it. If you have a picture or graphic to include with the article, send it separately using the "Submit Photo" link. [See next question].