FAQ: Forum Questions

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) >Forum Questions
Can I attach an image or document to a previous post?Can I edit my posts?How do I put a picture in my post?How do I put attach a document to my post?
How do I reply to a post?What are Avatars?What does "Track this Post" mean?What is the Quote button for?
Who can post in the Forum?Why can't I post a message in the forum?
Can I attach an image or document to a previous post?
Yes, just click the edit button of your post and using the browse button attach the image or document and click Submit Post.
Can I edit my posts?
All members can edit their own posts. At the top right hand side of your post you'll see an "Edit" button, click this and enter your changes, click either "Preview" to view your post first or "Save Changes" to finish.
How do I put a picture in my post?
You can 'attach' files to a forum post. If you have an image that relates to your post, you can attach it to the post and others will be able to view your image in the post.

Max. filesize: 250Kb
Allowed image filetypes: .gif, .jpg, .png

Please remember: No spaces in the file name -

eg; 'your-image.jpg' or 'your_image.jpg' or 'yourimage.jpg'

and NOT

'your image.jpg'.

The software does not recognise file names with spaces!
How do I put attach a document to my post?
You can 'attach' files to a forum post. If you have a document that relates to your post, you can attach it to the post and others will be able to download your document via a link at the bottom of the post.

Max. filesize: 250Kb
Allowed document filetypes: .zip, .doc, .rtf, .pdf

Please remember: No spaces in the file name -

eg; 'your-document.pdf' or 'your_document.pdf' or 'yourdoc.doc'

and NOT

'your document.doc'.

The software does not recognise file names with spaces!

Alphanumeric characters only!

docplus1.zip will work

doc+1.zip will not!

If you can, please attach all attachments as zip files [compressed files], it's easier, more secure and reduces download time.

Please Note: Do not attach your file until you're ready to post. Previewing your post first will empty the attachment field and the file will not be uploaded.
How do I reply to a post?
If you are logged in, you will see a "Post Reply" at the top and bottom of a thread.
Click that and write in your entry and click either "Preview Reply" to see what how it looks or "Post Reply" to post it the forum.

You can also use the "Quick Reply" box at the bottom of each thread. This has reduced functions, but is generally the box used for quick and easy replies that don't need a lot of formatting.
What are Avatars?
Avatars are small graphics can attach to their profile that appear above their username in the forum and other places on the site. They would generally be a symbol or picture that the user might identify with or it could be just a bit of fun.

The graphic or photo should be no heavier than 30Kb and no bigger than 100x100 pixels otherwise it will not upload successfully. Or you can use the Avatar Gallery and follow the 3 simple steps. We have a small selection at the moment and will add more over time.

If you wish to upload your own Avatar, you first need to click "Edit Profile" in the top nav bar, scroll down to the existing image and underneath click the "Delete" box and then click "Update Profile". The Avatar will now be replaced by an upload box. Browse on your PC to the image you want and click "Update Profile" again and that's it!
What does "Track this Post" mean?
If you're following a particular thread and want to be kept informed of any replies, click the link "Track this Post" and you will receive an email notifiying you any time a reply is posted.
What is the Quote button for?
On the right hand side of posts by others, there's a button marked "Quote". If you click this it will include the text of that post at the top of your reply to indicate to that member that you're answering or commenting on their post.

This is handy for a large thread with multiple posts and you want to answer or comment on one of the earlier posts in that thread even though your post will be at the bottom.

You can try it out in the test post forum.
Who can post in the Forum?
Any registered member can post in the forum as long as they're logged in.
Why can't I post a message in the forum?
Only logged in members can post in the forum. This is a necessary precaution to keep out the hordes of spammers and other ne'er-do-wells.

Once logged in, navigate to the forum you wish to post in and click the "New Thread" button located at the top or bottom of the thread list. Likewise, while viewing an existing thread you have a choice of "New Thread" or "Post Reply".