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Photo Albums > Contemporary Photos > Rerrin , Bere Island First photo Previous Photo Next Photo Last photo
Rerrin , Bere Island
Rerrin is the main village on Bere Island and the harbour is called Lawrence Cove. Could not find the CG station shown on old maps but nearby cottages still knownas "coastguard cottages" are nearby. The whole area has been much altered by the English garrison which was here between 1890 and 1938!!My ancestor was here in the 1870'sand I am doubtful if he would have recognised these cottages. A new CG station was built about 1905 and these cottages may date from them

Date: 16/09/2010
Dimensions: 1600 x 1200 pixels
Filesize: 411.73kB
Comment: 1
Number of views: 7071
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Tags: rerrin bere island station 


#1 | bodad on 22/03/2011 20:03:37

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