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James Coree
James Coree. Coastguard.

Date: 14/06/2007
Added by: Tony
Dimensions: 250 x 401 pixels
Filesize: 73.03kB
Comments: 2
Number of views: 6197


#1 | Tony on 05/10/2007 00:14:00
James Coree, Ardglass harbour master.
The Coree family originally came from Co.Clare,where my great-grandfather Daniel Coree about the year 1800 in the village of Ballycoree. his father and only brother were drowned in a boating accident on the River Shannon, so he was left as the only person with that surname (inherited from french Huguenots who had settled there) He must have joined the Royal Marines or thr Revenue Service (shore) and was stationed on Scattery island on the Shannon. He married my great-grandmother Catherine, about 1827/8 and his first four sons were born on the island. He then joined the Revenue Coast Guard Service, and after passing his medical and other tests was posted to the Coast Guard Station at Bangor, Co.Down in february 1838 as a boatman. Shortly afterwards he was transferred to Portaferry, co.Down where his daughter Margaret Ann was born in November 1839. a second daughter, catherine, was also born there. in November 1844 he was promoted to the positionn of commissioned boatman and transferred to Killard, Co.Down, where my grandfather James Coree was born in June 1846. He had two further children before 1854 and died in Killard in 1870.
#2 | Trish May on 05/08/2021 15:53:32
Hello Tony
During 'lockdown' I have been researching my family history. My mother described her maternal family as 'Coastguard People' but here in Australia we had no idea what that meant. With some information one of my brothers gathered a few years ago on a trip to Ireland and with some help from various websites I have found a lot more information. Daniel Coree was my Gr Gr Grandfather. His youngest child, and James's sister, Mary Jane who was born at Killard in 1854, was my Gr Grandmother. Mary Jane married into the Gracey family of Co Down and lived there all her life. Her daughter Sarah married into the Teggart family and lived at Saul, later moving to Ballynarry about the time my mother, Mary Teggart, went nursing. Kilclief became their local parish, it was where my parents were married, where all of her family is buried and where Daniel Snr, Catherine and (I think) James are buried too. I have been in that churchyard but did not know the whole of the family history. I don't think Mum knew it either. She did know her grandmother Mary very well and the names Mary and Catherine have filtered down through the girls in our family. I named my older girl Catherine after my mother's sister who was a darling woman and she would have been named after her grandmother so on and on it goes.
Before reading your post I had traced Daniel through his different appointments and traced some of the children's baptisms and marriages. I would like to know more about the Clare and Scattery Island connection?
The main reason I am writing is that my brother was told by a relative that the John Curry who died on the day of the Boyd/Ajax disaster in Feb 1861 was in fact John Coree, brother of James. I cannot find any information on him at all in any of the available on-line resources and realise the Muster Book for the Ajax will be the only source. When this awful pandemic is over a trip to Kew might be nice.
I have seen numerous corruptions of the spelling for 'Coree' and my mother actually pronounced it as 'Curry'.
What do you think of that information? Would it account for the tattoo on James's arm: is it a Cross of Sacrifice for his brother?
By the way - love the photo of James. He looks very grand.

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