Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.11

-> Tony on November 02 2015
The Coastguard Cutter 2.11
November/December 2015. Issue 11

G144.Fatal Accident to Coastguard.

On Friday morning last a man of the name of Kinsley, A Coast Guard at the Doonbeg Station, had just returned into his own house from duty; his wife and children were all still in bed, when suddenly they were aroused from sleep by the report of a gun-shot in the kitchen. His son, a young man who had just come in to see them after returning from sea, rushed to the kitchen, and there found his father sitting on a chair, with his hand to his fore-head, just breathing his last. It was at first thought that he laboured under some mental derangement of mind which led him to hurry himself into eternity; but on Sunday, Francis O’Donnell Esq. coroner, held an inquest on the body, when from the facts elicited it appears that he was cleaning his gun when the shot accidentally went off. The jury found a verdict to that effect. This man within a very short period was miraculously saved upon two occasions from being drowned. He was one of the six men who manned the boat which was upset at Kilbaha a few years since when all perished but himself and a very short time since at Doonbeg, he accidentally fell over one of the high cliffs, and was miraculously saved. Ibid.

Reference; Saunders News Letter Saturday 22nd.March 1851.

G80. Smuggling.

We understand that in consequence of some contraband goods recently landed in the South West of this county, it is the intention to strengthen the different Preventive Stations from Kinsale along the line to Crookhaven. For this purpose it is stated that the crews of two Revenue Cruizers are about to be landed, until newly raised men for the Blockade Service shall arrive. A report in circulation that an American vessel landed 800 bales of tobacco during the present week in the district above mentioned. We give the rumour as we had it.

Reference :Morning Register Thursday 6th.November 1828.

L36. Smugglers. 1828.

The ‘Eliza’, a smuggling cutter, entered Sligo Bay on the night of April 2nd 1828, and was observed by the Coastguard station at Raughley who went in pursuit. The vessel headed towards the sea leaving two manned boats behind. The crew on board were about to deposit illicit goods in a cave in the garden of John Black’s cottage at Elsinore when they were surrounded. Three men, 220 bales of tobacco were seized. The goods were deposited in the King’s Stores, Sligo.

L49. Shipwreck on the coast of Achill. 1860.

During the terrific storm which raged on Saturday, the 21st.inst, the barque ‘Neptune’, Captain Wimble, was driven ashore under the cliffs of Neenawn, Achill. The sails had been previously blown away, and the ship thrown on her beam end. In this condition she was driven on the rocks at about 10 p.m. One of the crew and an apprentice were washed overboard. The rest, with the captain succeeded in gaining a ledge of rocks by means of the masts and spars, which leaned against it. The captain showed the greatest coolness throughout. They remained in that position during the night, and in the morning were discovered by some of the inhabitants of a neighbouring village, who showed them a pass up the cliffs. One poor fellow had had a compound fracture of his leg managed to crawl with the rest. Had the vessel gone ashore 100 yards to the right, not a soul could have been saved, as the cliffs are 1,000 feet high, and almost like a wall. They were afterwards brought to Dugort where every attention was paid to them. C. Boycott Esq, the Rev. Mr.

Cathcart, J.Adams Esq. I.O. Coastguard, and Dr Carmichael were unremitting in their kindness.

A subscription was at once made for them, a house provided, and five of the strongest were on Thursday forwarded from Achill Sound to Westport, on their way to London by William Pike Esq. The barque was from Demerara, bound to London. Such a gale has not been known on the Western coast for twenty years.

Reference; Irish Times 2 February 1860.

LX189. Shooting Affray 1822.

Tralee February 2.

During an attack by a group of men on a house near Castlegregory, a party coming to their aid shot one of the attacking group, a man called Casey. Nearly 1.000 people came yesterday to view the body. Mr.Christie, Commanding the Water guard in that place, and his men reinforced the party that had beaten off the the attackers and shot Casey in his flight, and the multitude were cautioned against manifesting the smallest symptom of violence after which the dead body of Casey was given up to them.

Reference; Freemans Journal Thursday 7 February 1822.


Yesterday evening, about seven o’clock, 129 bales of Tobacco were seized at Whitegate, in this harbour, by Robert Blake, Chief Officer of the Coastguard stationed at Poor Head.
Immediately after the Tobacco was put on board a lighter, for the purpose of its being conveyed to the Custom House, a large party of the country people, to the amount of between 200 and 300, collected and fired several shots at the Revenue party, but without any effect, and the Tobacco has been lodged in the King’s stores in this City.

Reference: Southern Reporter, 30th.September 1824.


The guardship acted as the depot ship for the tenders and cutters. Most of the cutters had only seven-pounder muzzle loaders as armament and so there was not much opportunity for practice although the men of the cutters were taken on board the guardship from time to time for training.Partial mobilisation was actually ordered in 1878, 1882 and 1885 resulting from war scares with Russia or France. A test of the efficiency of the Coastguard as a Naval reserve came in 1878 when there was a threat of war with Russia. The Coastguards were embarked in 17 ships and were afloat for 98 days. Although not in action they were rated as having performed their sea-going duties efficiently and there was not one single defaulter on the book of any ship. Their only defect was a tendency to slowness through lack of practice but it was recognised that this could easily be worked up.
When the annual fleet manoeuvres were started in 1885 the Coastguard Squadron was mobilised and went to sea. This was a great improvement on the annual cruises.

Reference: “Coastguard” by William Webb.

LX170. Ballycotton seizure. 1819.

Waterford. September 14. A small cutter-rigged vessel, of about 30 tons burden, laden with smuggled tobacco in bales, and having also on board about a dozen ankers of gin, was made prize of on Friday evening off Bunmahon, having being abandoned by her crew, by the Passage Revenue barge. She was brought up to the quay on Saturday evening, and her cargo was taken out and lodged in the King’s Stores. Nothing is known with certainty as to where she belonged to, or whence she came; but it is conjectured that she is from the West of England and that her illicit cargo was taken in on the French coast. It is said that she has lately been in Cork harbour, whence she eluded the vigilance of the Revenue Officers, by representation of her being laden with herrings, a few barrels of which she had on deck, and immediately under the hatchway, to assist the deception.

Reference; Freemans Journal Thursday 16 September 1819.

H70. Yacht sunk in Wicklow Bay. (extract)

Mr.T.P.Newbold,secretary Gas Works, took out his newly fitted yacht for a sail in the bay accompanied by three other men. Several times he sailed up and down to the shore and seemed to have too much sail aloft. Within a few hundred yards south of the Black Castle and ¾ of a mile off shore the vessel was seen to suddenly lay over and sink. The men stuck together and clung to the boat. Several boats set out to aid them. One of the men attempted to swim to shore but became very fatigued. Within 15 minutes the men were picked up. In the meantime other boats had come, including the Coastguards, when Mr. Tuke, (Chief Officer) handed a bottle of brandy to the rescued men, which had been thoughtfully sent to them by Mrs. Tweedy, of Waterford, who with Mr. Tweedy, her husband, had been on board their own yacht in the bay. The stimulant was a most timely aid to the exhausted men. The thoughtful action of Mrs.Tweedy, and the presence of mind which prompted it is deserving of all praise, and Chief Officer Tuke, in recognition of her kindly and thoughtful action subsequently sent the lady a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

Reference; Wicklow People Saturday 22nd.July 1905.

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