Coastguard Cutter

The Coastguard Cutter 2.2

-> Tony on May 14 2014
The Coastguard Cutter 2.2
May /June 2014. Issue 2.

Piracy in Blacksod Bay. 1865. Co.Mayo
A few days ago while a schooner laden with Indian Corn, bound for Westport, was passing the Island of Innishea, in Blacksod Bay, a number of islanders in about twenty curraghs forced their way on board, and carried off about twenty-five tons of it, together with a lot of the ship’s gear. The marauders were about four hours at their piratical work. A gun-boat has since been applied for, and will probably be sent there by the government, and other measures are being taken to bring them to justice.

Reference; Wicklow News-Letter. 3rd.June 1865.

G49. Smuggling. “Eros” 1851 Co.Cork
In consequence of the arrest of two women some days since, while coming off in a boat from a vessel suspected to be the ‘Eros’, with several boxes of cigars in their possession, a search was instituted on board the latter vessel, when a large quantity of cigars, and some tobacco were found in various parts of the cabin and forecastle. The Captain and crew were arrested and detained in custody until Friday, when the Captain was acquitted after an inspection before the bench of over 7 hours duration. On Saturday the entire crew of the ‘Eros’, who are all foreigners, and amounted to 13 persons were placed in the dock. The first prisoner, selected for trial was Giattim Greck, who was employed as cook on the vessel. The prisoner was easily distinguished from the remainder of the crew, by the fact he was blind of an eye. At a lengthy hearing he was found guilty. The other prisoners will be tried later. Cork Examiner.

Reference; Daily Express Friday 4th.July 1851.

K41. Reducing the Coastguards. 1907
According to a return just issued 68 Coastguard stations at which a rocket apparatus was worked, wholly or in part by the Coastguards, or to which a life-boat station was adjoining have been closed in Ireland since the 20th.June 1905. At the majority of the abandoned stations the lifeboats, or the lifesaving apparatus have either been handed over to the charge of a civilian caretaker or a watch is being kept from adjoining Coastguard stations.

Reference; Wicklow People Saturday 7th.September 1907.

G192. Smuggling 1834 Co.Down
We have been informed from undoubted authority that the smuggling of tobacco never was more briskly carried on about Ballyhalbert, and the adjoining Down coast, than at present. No fewer than three cargos have already, in the course of the winter, been landed, notwithstanding the immediate vicinity of the Coastguard stations, and the occasional visits of Revenue Cruisers, without a single load being seized. The value of the property is very considerable perhaps exceeding £20,000 and the injury this sustains by the fair trader is incalculable. Only 107 bales out of three cargos, have been seized, and those not in landing, but in transit from the place of deposit to Belfast, including the quantity found in the cave last week, contiguous to the town. (Ulster Times)

Reference: Saunders News Letter Thursday 18th.January 1834.

G55. Tramore Life Boat. 1859 Co.Waterford
Tramore, near Waterford January 17th. We have had today a most successful trial of the new life boat, which the National Life-boat Institution sent to this place a week or two ago. She was hauled down to the beach and launched in a very heavy surf – blowing a gale from S.S.W. and was pulled out through the breakers in a most gallant manner, and behaved so well that she was the admiration of an immense multitude who witnessed the affair. The brave crew were composed of fishermen and Coastguard men who volunteered on the spot.

Reference: Daily Express Saturday 22nd.January 1859.

Q3. Fire at Rush. 1901. Co.Dublin
On Thursday morning a fire broke out at the residence of Mr.Christopher Weldon, grocer, Rush, Co.Dublin, happily not attended with any serious result beyond the destruction of the roof. It appears the fire originated from a spark from the chimney falling on the roof, which was tharched, and the weather being dry and breezy it was not long till there was a blaze. Just at the right moment the Coastguards, under the command of their officer, Mr.Collins, appeared on the scene with ladders, buckets and with a promptitude and energy, worthy of the highest commendation ascended the blazing roof, two storeys high and after an hours battling with the flames succeeded in subduing them. They were ably assisted by a young farmer named Coyle, belonging to the locality, while a number of willing hands caried water. The inhabitants are unstinted in their praize of the gallantry of the Coastguards, whose exertions prevented whay easily might have become a general conflagration, as the houses adjoined are mostly thatched. The exertions of Coastguard Freeman deserve special mention – with pitchfork in hand he bravely uncovered the burning roof. It is rather singular that the town of Rush, with its 2,500 inhabitants, is without a fire engine. It is to be hoped that Thursday’s experience will stimulate the local authorities to have steps taken to remedy this want.

Reference; The Irish Times 30 March 1901.

H169. Shipnews. 1838 Co.Mayo
On the night of Friday the 26th.a vessel bound from Liverpool to Westport was wrecked on the rock which is outside Achil Head, in the North west of the county. We have heard, but we hope untruly, that the wretched crew when they had providently reached the shore in their long-boat were plundered by some miscreants who reside near the spot. The ‘Neptune’ one of the vessels belonging to the Water Guards, was dispatched we have heard to get the vessel off the rock, but she herself unfortunately went to pieces.

Reference: Dublin Evening Post Saturday 10th.February 1838.

G101.Smuggling. 1825 Co.Cork
Came up to our quay this morning two cargo boats with tobacco, cut adrift by a smuggler, about 3 o’clock yesterday morning between Ballycotton and Cable Island, and taken charge of by some of the crew of the ‘Hound’ Revenue Cruiser, Lieut. Foster, then in charge of the smuggler, and nearly within gun-shot, of course, in a fair way of capturing her. (Waterford Mirror)

Reference: Morning Register Tuesday 19th.April 1825

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