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National Archives Online Census Records

-> Tony on December 09 2007
The National Archives, Bishop Street, Dublin 6, have introduced an important new website of the 1911 Dublin Census Returns.

The free-to-access website, which contains the digital equivalent of more than 4,000 reels of microfilm and 3.5 million images, allows useres to search for individuals by name, with each original household form giving records of a person's education , religion, profession, literacy, Irish-language proficiency and place of birth. The website currently contains records for Dublin only, but those for the rest of the country will be available next year. Census records from the 1821 to 1851 were destroyed in an explosion at the Four Courts, Dublin in 1922. Census records from the latter half of the 19th century are thought to have been pulped for recycling due to paper shortaged during the first World War.

The 1911 Census Records can be found at
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#1 | jcassells76 on 03/01/2008 17:03:53
Hello Tony Excellent SITE Obtained info on Cassells families living in Dublin area 1911 Looking forward for rest of Ireland included during 2008 jcassells76

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