OPW Building Letters. [Mayo]

Office of Public Works (O.P.W.) Letters at National Archives, Dublin in Relation to Building Repairs and Erection of New Stations.

Co. Mayo.

Ballycastle Coastguard Station. Co. Mayo. Office of Public Works, Dublin. 15 December 1871.

BLUE FORM. New Coastguard Station to be built at Ballycastle, Co. Mayo at a cost of £2,232-11-10.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Dooega Coastguard Station. Co. Mayo. Office of Public Works Dublin. 18 September 1872.

Sir, The Admiralty has decided to abandon This Station and requests that no further steps may be taken in the matter.

Signed M.P. Brophy.

To the Architect.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Elly Bay Coastguard Station, Co. Mayo. Office of Public Works Dublin. 21 June 1870.

Sir, When will this building be finished and ready for use?

To William George Reade

By Order. William S. Stark.

Reference Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Elly Bay Coastguard Station. Co.Mayo. Office of Public Works Dublin. 30 June 1870

Sir, It is not necessary to light fires in the rooms at Elly Bay- let there be a through draught of air maintained.

To William George Reade.

By Order. Sec

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Elly Bay Coastguard Station, Co. Mayo. Office of Public Works Dublin 20 October 1870.

Sir, I am directed by the Board to inform you that the Coastguard Station at Elly Bay has been completed and is now ready for occupation. I am therefore to request you to instruct your local Officer to communicate with the Boards district Clerk of Works, Mr. Jas. Bermingham of Ballinasloe and arrange to meet him at the Station for the purpose of receiving possession of the premises.

I am Sir, your obedient servant. D. Hornsby. Sec.

To Lt. Col. Clerke RE, Admiralty, Spring Garden Terrace, London.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

Keele Coastguard Station. Co. Mayo. Office of Public Works Dublin. 10 November 1870.

Sir, The Board has received from Messrs Varian an account for seven white-wash brushes supplied to you on your order and also memo from you stating that you had full power to order the brushes and see the Contractor. The Board have ordered the payment of this account but they request that in future you will forward the requisitions for brushes to this office in accordance with the regulation made in 1869-see circular annexed.

I am sir, your obedient servant. Will. S. Stark. Sec.

To Division Officer Coastguard Station Keele. Achill.

Reference; Board of Works Letter Books. National Archives, Bishop St. Dublin 6.

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