The house was finished in 2004. Later on, in Autumn, it survived a one-in-twenty year storm when a Force 10 south-east gale and a spring tide lined up together and hurled breakers right up to the projecting canopy of the roof.
Galley Head Lighthouse is one of a chain of beacons built to protect shipping along the rock-bound, stormy Atlantic coast of Ireland. The Coastguards built their station and launch ramp in the lee of the headland - out of the wind - to ensure the maximum number of sheltered launches. The old stone cottage, sitting above the ramp, is made of crude rubble walls one metre thick, but one doorway inside is glazed in delicate cut-crystal. It bears a brass plate with the name of SS Lusitania.
The old cottage and boathouse have been converted and an extension added on. The old cottage has been turned into a master bedroom and the boathouse is for guest bedrooms. The kitchen, dining and sitting rooms are in the new extension.
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Posted by Tony
on November 03 2007
i am sorry to let you know but only the boat house and slip are part of a coastguard station, i know this because my grandfather was born in the cottage which is know the master bedroom.
The slip and boathouse was built as part of a new coastguard station in the 1860's, however the older coastguard station was built in the 1820's and the ruins can still be seen today across the slip from the cottage.
Unfortunately the IRA burnt down both coastguard stations in 1921 as the british were accessing them as possible locations for a barracks if others got destroyed.
By the way if anybody can help me out, i am looking for the plans of dirk coastguard station built in the 1820's?