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Coastguard Stations Census and OPW records
ann davies
Amongst the information I have been collecting on stations where my gt grandfather worked, I have some printed sheets that give descriptions of the station accommodation taken from OPW records (eg for East Ferry, Cork: OPW 5HC 4/859, together with the details required for locating them in the 1901/1911 census (eg DED/Townland). However, I'm at a loss to know how/where I found these, and am keen to find the source. All site and web search attempts have failed, yet am sure this is how I originally found the info. Any suggestions? Scanned image of such a document attached.

Ann Davies
ann davies attached the following image:

This information is available on the site, but you must be logged in first, then click on 'Downloads' at the very top of the page, then download the District you're after.

ann davies
Many thanks for this - I thought it had to be somewhere on this site! And now I've found it, the one station I wanted to know a little more about in terms of its buildings (Lackeen Pt, Co Kerry) is unfortunately not covered (no book for that County, but I do at least have the Census info).

The 1860s OSI map (Historic 25) has good outline detail about the size of the station

The National Archives have the papers for the station but no summary
ann davies
Maybe I'll have to make a trip to the NI in Dublin sometime! I had already seen it on the archive mapping site (brilliant resource), and established from the modern day overlay that the site is now devoid of anything. The youngest of my gt grandfather's children was born there, so was hoping to get some sort of description of the accommodation to compare with the other five stations where they lived.

And have just found a tiny bit more to add to the National Archives reference on this website: By inputting "coastguard" into the "Search by Works" box, brief details are given for 116 stations.

Much appreciate your help on this.
The other indirect source of info is Google Books and House of Commons reports.

This reference is about the building of coastguard sttaions in Ireland;f=false

The Lackeen point was supposed to have houses for 1 Chief officer, 1 Cheif Boatman and 4 men.

I think conditions were greatly improved with the new buildings built from about 1862 onwards. In another House of Commons committee into the pre 1860 coastguard buildings - one submission mentioned that Commodore Eden had noted the following
" In many instances the coast guardsmen in Ireland are lodged worse than the cattle ; cases have been reported where the rooms are in such a dilapidated state that the men have been obliged to thatch the beds, and this at a time when their wives and children have been lying sick in them, the sickness having been produced by the cruel exposure to which they have been made subject."

Look around (before and after) this URL for the depositions in Aug 1860;f=false - from about page 175 and also 179.
ann davies
Thanks again - looks like I'm going to be looking through google books for some while. Wonder what I can find there about the Belmullet station on Claggan Island in the 19th century ....

the national archives dublin have the architectural drawings of coastguard stations and will copy same to disc for a small fee
vincent breslin
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