Richard C. Edwards

Views: 2619
Records List
CategorySurnameChristian name
Census 1901EdwardsRichard C.

RankStation/CruizerDate of SeniorityBornDied


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Record ID721 posted by Tony
Date of posting: 13/04/2009



#1 | John McInerney on 03/08/2017 21:51:16
My name is John McInerney. Richard C Edwards was my Great grand-father. I have very little information about him apart from the fact that my Grandmother , Violet Edwards, was born on Inismore around 1897 and that her father Richard C Edwards was a coastguard there. He is buried in the Ennistymon protestant churchyard. Trying to find records of him at Inismor but having little luck.There is also a record of him and his family in the 1911 census where they were living in Ennisstymon and he is listed as a Coastguard pensioner rtd
#2 | edwards on 12/01/2019 20:14:09
Hello John,
My name is Alistair Edwards. Richard C Edwards is also my Great grand-father. My Grand father was Reginald, your Grand mother Violets brother. He came to the west of Scotland in 1903/4 (Fort William) and worked for the Fairfax-Lucy family as gardener transferring to Callart estate where he spent the rest of his life. My father was also named Richard Charles Edwards and the names Cyril,George.Richard are still family names.

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