John (act.) Scott

Views: 2060
Records List
CategorySurnameChristian name
Navy ListsScottJohn (act.)

RankStation/CruizerDate of SeniorityBornDied
Chief OfficerMoville23 Jan.1880

Detail:Navy List: March 1880

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Record ID2272 posted by Tony
Date of posting: 14/04/2009



#1 | Gavin Scott on 30/10/2018 17:24:46
I think this was my Great Great Grandfather who came from Scotland married in Cork and was stationed in Antrim and Moville Co. Donegal. His Son John Scott also entered the service and served in Wexford, Bray, Cloghy, and Antrim. John Scott Snr retired from the service as a Navy Pensioner having served there from 1875 - 1900. He died in 1908
Any additional information would be great to have as between 1860 and 1875 I do not know his movements from Co. Cork where he arrived from Scotland, got married and ended up Donegal

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