John Sisk

Views: 2086
Records List
CategorySurnameChristian name
Census 1911SiskJohn

RankStation/CruizerDate of SeniorityBornDied

Detail:Ref: 56/16

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Record ID1769 posted by Tony
Date of posting: 13/04/2009



#1 | seamus sisk on 24/07/2010 23:12:47
The John Sisk mentioned above was my great grand father. He died on 15/10/1913 aged ( according to his headstone in Ballygalget cemetery on the Ards peninsula) 87. He was born in Whitegate in Co Cork and joined the British Navy on 18/3/1852. He served on the HMS Rodney during the Crimean War and moved to HMS Hastings on 31/1/1856. He was discharged 'shore' on 12/5/1856 and joined HMS Hague on 2/7/1856 leaving on 27/3/1856 and joining the Coastguard on 28/3/1856. He served on the district ship Ajax to 31/3/1864, followed by service on district ship Royal George (Cloughey) to the end of 1869. Served on the Pallas between 1/1/1870 to 24/1/1877 by which time he had served 24 years and 255 days in the navy/coastguard. He was approved for pension in December 1880. I am interested in information on the Cloughey coastguard station and activities during the time my ancestor was posted there.

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